Enter Soder

Malachite eyes the Ivory King, trapped in his cube of force. "How big is the cube, Agar?"

"Only ten by ten! He fills it completely." And indeed, the grotesque flab of undead presses against an invisible barrier along the edges. Nolin's paralyzed body is being balanced on the Ivory King's chest like some sort of living bib.

"Then I'm not going to be able to dimension door in with my cloak." He frowns, and with no other enemy in sight begins to pray as he slides the sword Karthos into the holy light of Aeos' afterimage. The sword almost hums in satisfaction, and begins praying itself.

"Proty, go!" The amorpheous blob of tentacles rises from Agar's arm and darts over to Tao's head. She makes a half-hearted grab at it in case it's food, but Proty settles onto her face in a smothering embrace and lets off a dispel magic that Agar had previously imbued in him. The result could hardly have been better, starting at her head and rippling like invisible heat waves down to her feet, and in the process it completely strips away any obsessive hunger that the divine agent may be feeling.

Tao lifts her head, eyes hard. She stares at the Ivory King who is in the process of eating one of her oldest friends. "Naaah umh maa. . ." She spits out the dry food filling her mouth, scattering it into the rubble. "Now I'm mad." Standing, she draws both swords.

Meanwhile, Agar casts exploit weakness. For everyone near him, the minor weaknesses in the Ivory King's defenses now become glaring gaps, and the group struggles over the rubble to launch a series of attacks against the cube of force.

"Damn it!" mumbles Velendo, trying to remember. He had been taught about cubes of force once, in a lecture about magical walls and how to cast them. That was long ago, though, and he hadn't been paying attention. He pushes past the overwhelming pain in his joints and dredges up what little he can recall. "It's a force wall, but I think we can drop it with enough damage. Hit it as hard as you can!" The group moves into position around Nolin and the Ivory King, carefully picking their way through the unstable rubble as they array themselves strategically.

"One thing's nice, at least," says Priggle as he peers out into the darkness, grasping his pick with one calloused and shaking hand. "Most of the ghouls had been heading for the body. I think the only way anyone knows we're over here is from the flame strike. With luck, it might take them a little while to reach – "

There's a flash overhead as something teleports in. The creature is huge, and horribly familiar: the animated corpse of the earth dragon that the group fought in Mrid, the one that ate Mara's mace. Much of its stony flesh has begun to rot, and it carries three ghouls on its back. The most terrifying thing about the dragon isn't its nature or its passengers, though. The most terrifying thing about it is that its eyes are glowing a lambent yellow.

"Hello, everyone!" hisses a jubilant Soder. "Welcome to my home!" It winks one huge yellow eye at the Ivory King, mutters something, and time. . . freezes.

He had been appalled that the trap of luring the group up to the Goddess' head had failed. Poised there invisibly with his best troops, Soder had been so sure that they'd make an irrestible temptation. Ah, well, there's no accounting for Nolin's ingenuity. Once Soder had realized that the living adventurers had somehow dragged His Highness up onto the shattered remains of Bone Hill, and released the light of that blasted surface God in the process, he'd almost cheered at their good tactics. They'd still have to die, of course, but it's always fun rooting for the underdog.

Ah, good, Nolin is safe with His Majesty. No pointing in pulling any punches, then. What would be the most fun? Oh, yes! How about reverse gravity, followed by one. . . no, two delayed blast frost spheres? Yes, that'd be perfect. And finish up with a cheery little spell turning? Yes, ideal. Then cancelling the reverse gravity for an extra soupgon of pain. Now, to work!

It's so nice to see Nolin and the group here. He hoped they liked his new body, crafted just with them in mind, and found Nacreous as homey as he did. He'd even had some of the ghouls learn a few of Nolin's favorite songs! Hopefully, there'd be time later for a concert, or an impromptu serenade. The bard and his friends couldn't help but be impressed.

Time restarts, and half the group are yanked upwards off their feet into the air. As they dangle there, two pulsing spheres of dark blue light explode into killing cold and jagged ice. Some of the group manages to twist out of the way of at least one of the explosions; Cruciel shields Velendo with her own body, and Mara's sacred aura helps protect Luminor from the worst of the damage. Even Agar is partially shielded by a fallen pillar of skulls. The only person caught totally out in the open is Malachite. He's flung into the air and is almost parallel with both icy spheres when they simultaneously explode into jagged fragments of frost. Both icy explosions tear through him simultaneously, and the hunter of the dead is partially frozen solid by the time his body crashes down onto the broken floor tiles below.

When he hits, part of his frozen skin shatters from the impact, then begins to melt in the warm sunlight emanating from Aeos' afterimage. There's no question that the paladin is dead. Mara's face turns dead white, and Velendo darts forward to the corpse in dismay.

"Ahhh. Hunter of the Dead? Go hunt yourself. Now that's good old-fashioned craftsmanship." Comfortably ensconsed in the dragon's undead flesh, Soder feels the warm glow of a job well done. "Who's next?"

Eyes wide, Agar lets out a horrified scream. He points his finger at Soder and casts maze. The spell unerringly bounces back, strikes Agar, and flings him bodily into an interdimensional maze of force.

The Ivory King twitches, and six other spindly arms slither out of his noisome bulk. All eight arms hold Nolin upright as he prepares for another bite. "Did you see?" whispers the ghoul into Nolin's ear. "Isn't it beautiful?

90-odd points of damage on two failed saves, plus falling damage? When you're already injured that can really catch your attention. I think it left Malachite at -30 or so, somewhat surprising us all.

Now if anyone ever asks you the riddle "What goes Oooph! boom-boom-clatter-shatter-tinkle-blarg?" , you'll already know the answer.

Did I miss why they're so (self-censored) fixated on Nolin?

Well, the Ivory King chose Nolin as his first target because the bard had the temerity to insult him down inside Imbindarla's stilled heart. Nolin just wouldn't shut up, and frankly Gl'Yuute was getting tired of hearing about him from his advisor.

And Soder? Hard to say. Maybe it's Nolin's phenomenal charisma, and Soder's his biggest fan. That's probably as good a reason as any. But it's definitely one of those unhealthy, stalk-him-to-his-house, keep-calling-and-hanging-up, animate-undead-so-you-can-be-near-him, first-teen-crush kinds of obsession. Not something you'd probably want to encourage.